Thursday, December 30, 2010

"This is the BEST CHRISTmas EVER!"

CHRISTmas Eve was a BLAST! It started with a snowman breakfast. (I copied it from a Parents Magazine.) Then the girls got to open their chair pouches- they have one for every holiday. Inside was their CHRISTmas skirt, a Hershey kiss candy cane, and a new scarf that their Mema knitted for them.
Then we got ready to celebrate Christ's birth with Cesar's family. Tamales, tamales, and more tamales! Yum! I probably ate Chloe's weight in them. Chloe and Kayla were absolutely SPOILED by their Aunts and Uncles.

My nephew Ethan got 3 different Nerf guns- so the family went out for a nerf battle. I am going to get Chloe and Cesar some of those guns. I have never seen them laugh so hard.

Quick stop at my parent's house to have enchiladas with them. And then we had to head home- Santa had already come- the girls didn't know.

Chloe got a bounce house and a stocking full of necessities (ie: toothbrush, toothpaste...) and fun stuff. Kayla got (and I didn't take a picture!) a whole Graco nursery set and a new baby doll, with a stocking full of the same stuff.
Chloe said at least 40 times, "This is the BEST CHRISTmas EVER!"

And this was all before bed on the 24th! We slept well that night...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The girls had a BLAST this Halloween! Chloe got to dress up for dance, she was Taylor Swift that day. She slept in braids, we put glitter all over her guitar, my Mom made her a sparkly tube top dress and got her cowgirl boots, she was the HIT at the studio. ADORABLE! On Halloween Chloe was Ariel, wig and all. And, Kayla was a PRETTY fairy.
Yes, Chloe is wearing glasses now. Each time she puts them on she says "I can SEEEEEEEE!"
We are now working on why we celebrate CHRISTmas. That it isn't all about Santa. I have 2 Greedy Gretchens- wish me luck!

Chloe as Taylor Swift
Kayla in her Frog Witch dress.

Kayla as a fairy and Chloe as Ariel on Halloween.

Trick or Treating with Daddy

Kayla's kitty cat pumpkin

Chloe's I had too much candy and threw up pumpkin

Monday, October 18, 2010


My baby, my 2 year old, my little angel, is going "peeeeeepeeeee and caaaaacaaaa" in theBIG GIRL POTTY!
We haven't had an accident in over a week and she has been waking up dry during naps and bed time!
I am sooooooo PROUD of my little Kayla! XOXOXOXO

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Potty Train

I cannot believe that I haven't posted since July! I guess that clues you into how busy things have been for us!

August brought about change and fun family times. I left MOPS. I was suppose to be a table leader for the upcoming year but upper leadership stinks and I walked away. We had 2 Secret Trips with the girls. The first one was to the Railroad Museum. Chloe is a train FREAK! She LOVES trains, train tracks, and everything that has to do with either of them. The other day I said "I owe you" for something that she helped me out with and she said "ok, drive me over the train tracks." She LOVES trains. The second trip was to Oak Glen for some apple and berry picking. Both girls really enjoyed the trip. And we found out that Kayla LOVES apple cider- just like her Mommy!

With both girls celebrating birthdays, September is ALWAYS a busy month for us. Chloe turned 4 and Kayla turned 2. They opted to not have a birthday party and chose a trip to Disneyland instead. Because Disneyland is CRAZY expensive we decided that the passes were the way to go and we have been to Disneyland almost every weekend since. Currently, all 4 of us are over Disneyland.

And now we are in October, today is Wednesday, October 6, 2010 to be exact. On Sunday I decided to start potty training Kayla. I opened the last pack of diapers from the Costco box and decided that I did not want to buy anymore diapers. Funny how money can light a fire under your butt. It has become a whole family affair. This morning Chloe said "Kaaayyyylllaaaa, common just get on the potty train." Poor kid, hears training and in her mind drops the ing. So far NO accidents today, and we are only 45 minutes away from bed time!!!!!

I have gotten rid of my Facebook account so that I can see how / if I can manage without knowing EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. Time will tell.

The next time I write I am sure that it will be about Halloween. Kayla will be a fairy. Chloe keeps on going back and forth. One day she wants to be Taylor Swift, the next Ariel. Can't wait to see what she chooses on October 31st!

I am so lucky to be a SAHM (stay at home mom)!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tiny Dancer

Chloe has been going to Just Plain Dancin' here in Riverside for about 6 months now. She is in beginning ballet and LOVES it! She just had her first recital a few weeks ago. She did AWESOME! She stayed on count and never had to look over to the teacher! Here are some pictures of the little ballerina...

Beginning in August she will be adding a tap class and Kayla will start in the "Princess" class! I LOVE being a Mommy of girls!!!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earth Day Should Be EVERY Day!

I have been working on teaching the girls how to take care of our plantet earth. Chloe knows when something needs to be recycled and puts it into the appropriate bin, Kayla not so much, but she will learn.
A couple weeks ago Chloe started asking for a garden so that she could grow her own food. I am hoping that she understands that what comes out of a garden is usually what she refuses to eat, time will tell. So, my Dad got up early one morning and went to Lowes with us to get the items we needed and then came back to our house to build it- thank God for Dads! He and Chloe took care of everything to the point of planting the seeds and plants- my Mom helped Chloe with that! We already have carrots sprouting from the seeds they planted!
I am hoping to start composting soon. For those of you that do not know, I was born in Berkeley, CA, so I loved the earth from the start! And, according to Cesar that also makes me a hippie. So, peace my brothers and sisters :o)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Taylor Swift

Chloe LOVES Taylor Swift! She knows the words to her songs and no matter where she is she will sing and dance to ALL of Taylor's songs.
April 2nd we received a phone call from Altura Credit Union saying that Chloe had won the Taylor Swift life size cutout that we had entered her to win. Chloe couldn't have been happier. Taylor watched TV with us. Taylor had an Easter bbq with us. Life was happy.
Then on April 12th we received another phone call from ACU, this time telling us that we had won Taylor Swift concert tickets for the show on the 15th! Chloe had no idea as to what that meant but she was excited! We drove to LA that night, Cesar, Chloe, Kayla, and myself, just to get turned away at the door. You see, when they called they told us that it was for Thursday, the envelope was marked for Thursday, BUT the tickets were for Friday. So, on the 16th, Cesar had to work, so I had a wonderful family, the Knells, watch Kayla and I took Chloe to the concert. This time the let us in! We were 3 rows from the VERY top of the Staples Center- that is HIGH! Taylor Swift had 2 openers, one that I didn't know and Kelli Pickler, that I love! Taylor took a LONG time getting to the stage and before she even did Chloe was asking to go home. I made a deal, thinking that she would enjoy the show so much that she would change her mind, that after 2 songs we would leave. As soon as Taylor Swift got on the stage Chloe started shaking, hyperventilating, and had tears in her eyes. It was the sweetest thing that I have ever seen and I thought, we were in it for the entire concert. But, no, 2nd song finished and Chloe said "we can go home now." I wish that we could have seen more of the show but I still had a blast with my little MONSTER!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Proud Momma!

I am such a proud Momma!!!!
Chloe now knows how to write her name, she can identify (out of order) 24/26 letters and knows the sounds that go with them, she knows 7/8 colors (who needs to know black anyway!?!?), and 5/8 shapes!!!!
She has her first ballet class this coming Monday. Ever since she started watching the cartoon "Olivia" she has been showing me her ballet skills, I thought that it was time she learned new steps!
My most favorite thing that Chloe has done in the past few weeks was when I put her down to sleep she prayed "Thank you for my family, thank you for my friends, thank you for your love that never ever ends. Thank you for making me a princess ballerina, but I really want to be a mermaid." Gotta love the thought process of a 3 year old!!!!
Kayla is running, climbing, jumping, and getting into EVERYTHING! She has been in her big girl bed for about a week- I will post pictures of that later. She HAS to wear sunglasses while we are in the car and loves, loves, loves her purses and jewelry. She loves being Mommy's helper and has better listening skills then both Cesar and Chloe. You can see how big her heart is by looking at her smiles. She is absolutely precious!!!!
Here are a few random pictures. I will post more once I get organized.