Monday, October 18, 2010


My baby, my 2 year old, my little angel, is going "peeeeeepeeeee and caaaaacaaaa" in theBIG GIRL POTTY!
We haven't had an accident in over a week and she has been waking up dry during naps and bed time!
I am sooooooo PROUD of my little Kayla! XOXOXOXO

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Potty Train

I cannot believe that I haven't posted since July! I guess that clues you into how busy things have been for us!

August brought about change and fun family times. I left MOPS. I was suppose to be a table leader for the upcoming year but upper leadership stinks and I walked away. We had 2 Secret Trips with the girls. The first one was to the Railroad Museum. Chloe is a train FREAK! She LOVES trains, train tracks, and everything that has to do with either of them. The other day I said "I owe you" for something that she helped me out with and she said "ok, drive me over the train tracks." She LOVES trains. The second trip was to Oak Glen for some apple and berry picking. Both girls really enjoyed the trip. And we found out that Kayla LOVES apple cider- just like her Mommy!

With both girls celebrating birthdays, September is ALWAYS a busy month for us. Chloe turned 4 and Kayla turned 2. They opted to not have a birthday party and chose a trip to Disneyland instead. Because Disneyland is CRAZY expensive we decided that the passes were the way to go and we have been to Disneyland almost every weekend since. Currently, all 4 of us are over Disneyland.

And now we are in October, today is Wednesday, October 6, 2010 to be exact. On Sunday I decided to start potty training Kayla. I opened the last pack of diapers from the Costco box and decided that I did not want to buy anymore diapers. Funny how money can light a fire under your butt. It has become a whole family affair. This morning Chloe said "Kaaayyyylllaaaa, common just get on the potty train." Poor kid, hears training and in her mind drops the ing. So far NO accidents today, and we are only 45 minutes away from bed time!!!!!

I have gotten rid of my Facebook account so that I can see how / if I can manage without knowing EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. Time will tell.

The next time I write I am sure that it will be about Halloween. Kayla will be a fairy. Chloe keeps on going back and forth. One day she wants to be Taylor Swift, the next Ariel. Can't wait to see what she chooses on October 31st!

I am so lucky to be a SAHM (stay at home mom)!