Wednesday, February 15, 2012

TON of Bricks

You know when you read something and it hits you like a TON of bricks!?!?! I have, unfortunately, fell out of contact with somebody that I consider a dear friend. She is an amazing Mom to 3, a wonderful wife of a fire fighter, and above all a Christian woman who LOVES the Lord. I follow her via her blog and love reading about what her family is doing and seeing their beautiful faces. (And, stealing ideas!)

So, I took some time away from Facebook (again) and many have asked about my absence. Sometimes things can prohibit one (me) from feeling like they have anything worthy of sharing. My friend's most recent blog post talks about a struggle that she is facing, that required some time away from her blog- I do not know what the struggle is but she posted this picture and I thought it sums everything up BEAUTIFULLY! Love you L.C.